Out of Province

Become registered in Ontario

If you are a registered salesperson in another province in Canada, you will not automatically be registered with OMVIC. You are required to complete the following steps.

  1. Submit a completed individual application with required identification and fee. You do not need to be a resident of Ontario to submit your application.
  2. You must have an Ontario-registered dealer sponsor your application. But you do not need to be employed by them until (and unless) your application is approved.
  3. Complete the Automotive Certification Course.
  4. You must meet the same eligibility test OMVIC applies to all applicants (for example, your past conduct does not afford reasonable grounds to believe you will not conduct business with honesty, integrity, in compliance with law and with financial responsibility). To determine if you satisfy this test, OMVIC may run background checks including, but not limited to:
    • background check
    • credit check
  5. Your application may be refused if you do not meet our eligibility test, even if you were previously registered in another province.

Ontario Labour Mobility Act

The Ontario Labour Mobility Act (OLMA) ensures that workers certified to practice in one province or territory are entitled to be certified in that occupation in Ontario without having to complete additional material training, experience, examinations or assessments.

However, certain certification requirements can still apply such as the requirement for applications and application fees, evidence of good character and criminal background checks, evidence of good standing etc. For more information, please contact our registration department.